Sunday, 20 February 2011

Quarterly update (admin)

Greetings all

I've just been reviewing the receipts and it appears that we haven't had a blog post in the economic quarter Dec-10 to Feb-11. No post would mean no K41N write down which in turn could see us carrying a 2.6% deficit into the fiscal year end. I obviously don't need to explain to you what THAT would mean.

So, a post. Let's see. Well, it would appear from the P914s that I've been receiving (late as usual) that the Mighty Mighty Night (as I'm assured the kids are calling them) are claiming to have acquired a semi-autonomous, meat-based sing unit. Hard to tell from my end whether this is legit or an attempt to score an extra oyster card, but claims for 28" waist jeans and skinny-fit check shirts have gone through the roof and let's face it, those would be of no use to Mr Drum unless he's building another one of his nests. Oh god let's hope he isn't, not after last time.

Oh, I have here a requisition slip for the following: 1x early 1990s laptop, 1x USB interface thingy, 1x soviet-era recording software, 3x bacon butty, 1x pure-organic-dolphin-fancying-tree-hugging-tofo-wrap, 1x Keira Knightley. Signed: Mr Guitar, Mr Bass, Mr Sing (appears to be different hand writing) and what looks to be a smeared hand print in what I'm dearly hoping is mud. Partially filled. I'm no investigative reporter but I'd suggest that either those crazy night boys are having a go at recording some some sort of Extended Player, or they think that their weekly soggy-biscuit get together is now worth preserving on tape. I feel like a gossip columnist!!

Other than that all of us down here in the basement are having a lovely 2011. In a shock move Tracy is engaged!! Oh Tracy, how do you expect us to keep up? Here's hoping that this Mr Right is for the long term, and that Tracy get's a banister installed so that she doesn't keep falling down the stairs every couple of months. That kind of thing just wouldn't be good now that she's pregnant.

Oh, and they've fixed the copier. Happy days!!!

Well, thanks for reading

Dave Hermish (Junior Accounts Manager)

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