Saturday, 25 February 2012


Morning all!

Practice this morning. Big one. Max has already pulled up with a bad ear :(. Let's hope the boogey woogie doesn't desert us.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Moving pictures!!!

So, it's been a while since this was updated. But we here at 41st night HQ wouldn't want you all to get the impression that we've been idle. Don't get us wrong, it's not as if we've been churning out tunes like a crazed, sonic production line. We have been known to kick back a little, have the odd beer, and contemplate life's vicissitudes. In fact it would probably be fair to say that in the 6 or so months since the last blog post the 4 lovely boys that make up the night have spent more time contemplating agrarian reform in Eritrea than they have writing, arranging, recording, and performing music. But we have done some of the latter, that's the point that we're trying to make.

And for those of you sitting there, sipping your mug of Bovril, and sneering "well you would say that wouldn't you, but I bet all you've actually been up to is purchasing, wearing, and occasionally washing unnecessarily slim-fitting jeans" we made the following short promotional film by way of proof.


And if for any reason you feel that you want to you can hear full versions of two of the tracks that we recently recorded on our shiny new website.


41st night